
June 9, 2012 and Sunday, June 10, 2012
Episode 41: Online Now!

Season 10 Episodes or Archives


Host Adventure: Lake Powell Give-A-Way Preview

Lake Powell has become a favorite AYL destination through the years. If you've never been there, it may be hard to see why, but hopefully, Chad, Ria, and Steve can entice you try it out for yourself. There's no other place like Powell on earth. Its red rock walls and sparkling water provide the perfect contrast, and you could explore its more than 2,000 miles of shoreline for weeks, and still not see it all. Fingers of the lake creep up mysterious and breathtaking canyons that will have your jaw on the floor. Check out what it's like to visit Lake Powell...

House Boat Give-A-Way

Travel Adventure: Kane County ATV Fun Run

Kane County, Utah, or Little Hollywood as it's become known through the years. It's a picture perfect setting to enjoy the best that nature has to offer. This observation is not lost on the Kane County Travel Council. The ATV Fun Run is an annual event held by the Travel Council in conjunction with the BLM to show off the wide and varied landscapes of Kane County, with the ride heading to a different destination each year.
It's a great event, and, well, we think the story speaks for itself...

Kane County

Dutch Oven 101: Beef Burritos

Maybe you were expecting Roger B, since this is an AYL dutch oven cooking segment, but Roger couldn't make it to Lake Powell. You'll have to go with Steven Heumann this time, but that's okay. Roger has taught Steve many tips and tricks, and we think you might be pleasantly surprised.
In this EXTENDED EDITION Steve makes a carne assada style family meal using simple ingredients that can be found at any grocery store. And the best part is this feeds A LOT of people.

Take it away Steve...


Trail Adventure: Camping On a Tight Budget

In this week's Trailhead Adventure, Terry Wood takes a different look at camping. For many families, camping can be an expensive proposition. You have to pay for your camping area, you have to get food, equipment, the list could go on, and the bill too. Well, that doesn't have to be the case, as Terry shows you how to camp on a budget.


Planner: Events

"What's going on next weekend?" "What's AYL giving away now?" "Did I win a prize?" Those are all questions you might find yourself asking each week. Never fear, AYL has all the info you need RIGHT HERE! Watch this week's planner for all the info on our Lake Powell Houseboat Giveaway. It's simple to enter,
and you have opportunities for more than one entry.

Casino Royal and House Boat Give-a-way


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